Selasa, 18 November 2008

the application e-business

A Company was the company of wood furniture, that needed wood as the raw material or the material in the production of his furniture, then in needed the B Company that was supplier wood. Where this B Company was the workmate for this furniture company and as SCM for the furniture company. The B company would provide wood that was needed by the A. Then A Company formed CRM that was named the Service Customer Part, where CRM this functioned to serve customer in the matter of the sale of the Company's A product to customer and as database customer. With this information then the management side and the marketing could study the requirement for the customer in a manner details and was able to plan the product or to make bargaining to the customers or also knew in a manner details of any other product that has been bought by the customer. Then the A company also formed ERP for the optimisation creation in the resources management that was owned by the company, for example in the matter of information, the cost, manpower, material, the raw material, production machines, the product so, et cetera. The whole from the SCM use, CRM and ERP in the A company could be said as a system of E-business in his company's activity

The loss from e-business

1. Lose the financial aspect directly because of dishonesty. A swindler transferred money from the account of one to the other account or he replaced all the financial datas available.

2. The theft of valuable secret information. The disturbance that emerged could open all this secret information to sides that could have the right and result in the loss that was big for the victim.

3. Lose the business opportunity because of the disturbance of the service. This mistake was shaped like a mistake non-technical as the electricity current suddenly went out.

4. The use of access to the source by the side that did not have the right. For example a person hacker that succeeded in breaking into a banking system. After that he moved several accounts of the other person to his account personally.

5. Lose the belief from the consumers. This because of various factor sorts like efforts that were carried intentionally out by the other side that tried to drop the reputation of this company.

6. The loss that was not expected. As a result of by the disturbance that was carried out intentionally, dishonesty, the practice of the untrue business, the mistake

The profit from e-business

1. Revenue Stream (the income current) just that possibly more promising that could not be met in the traditional transaction system.

2. Could increase market exposure (the market share).

3. Unloaded the operational cost (operating cost).
4. Spread the range (global reach).

5. Increased customer loyality.

6. Increased supplier management.

7. Shortened production time.

8. Increased value chain (the income link).

The meaning e-business

E-business could be translated as the business activity that was carried out automatically and semi-automatic by using the system of computer information. The term that the first time was introduced by Lou Gerstner, a CEO this IBM company, now is the form of the business activity that was carried out by using internet technology. E-business enabled a company to be connected with the processing system of their internal and external data in an efficient and flexible manner. E-business also often was used to be connected with suplier and the partner of the company's business, as well as complied with the request and served the customer's satisfaction better.

In the everyday use, e-business only not be related to e-trade (the trade in electronics or e-commerce) then. In this case, e-trade more was sub a part of e-business, now e-business covered all the function sorts and the business activity used the electronics data, including the marketing of the internet (e-marketing). As a part of e-business, e-trade was more focusing in the activity of the business transaction through the Internet. The example that most often was used was shopping cart or the process of the expenses in an online manner. By using the management system of knowledge, e-trade had the goal to increase revenu from the company.

contoh penerapan e-business

Sebuah Perusahaan A merupakan perusahaan meubel kayu, yang membutuhkan kayu sebagai bahan baku atau bahan dalam pembuatan meubelnya, maka di perlukan Perusahaan B yang merupakan supplier kayu. Dimana Perusahaan B tersebut adalah rekan kerja bagi perusahaan meubel tersebut dan sebagai SCM bagi perusahaan meubel. Perusahaan B akan meyediakan kayu yang dibutuhkan oleh Perusahaan A. Kemudian Perusahaan A membentuk CRM yang dinamakan Bagian Pelayanan Customer, dimana CRM ini berfungsi untuk melayani customer dalam hal penjualan produk Perusahaan A kepada customer dan sebagai database customer. Dengan informasi ini maka pihak manajemen dan pemasaran bisa mempelajari kebutuhan pelanggan secara detail dan mampu untuk merencanakan produk atau membuat penawaran kepada para pelanggan atau juga mengetahui secara detail produk-produk lain apa saja yang sudah dibeli oleh pelanggan. Lalu perusahaan A juga membentuk ERP untuk terciptanya optimalisasi dalam pengelolaan sumber daya yang dimiliki perusahaan, misalnya dalam hal informasi, biaya, tenaga kerja, material, bahan baku, mesin-mesin produksi, produk jadi, dan lain sebagainya. Keseluruhan dari penggunaan SCM, CRM dan ERP dalam perusahaan A dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah sistem E-business dalam kegiatan perusahaannya.

kerugian e-business

1. Kehilangan segi finansial secara langsung karena kecurangan. Seorang penipu mentransfer uang dari rekening satu ke rekening lainnya atau dia telah mengganti semua data finansial yang ada.

2. Pencurian informasi rahasia yang berharga. Gangguan yang timbul bisa menyingkap semua informasi rahasia tersebut kepada pihak-pihak yang tidak berhak dan dapat mengakibatkan kerugian yang besar bagi si korban.

3. Kehilangan kesempatan bisnis karena gangguan pelayanan. Kesalahan ini bersifat kesalahan non-teknis seperti aliran listrik tiba-tiba padam.

4. Penggunaan akses ke sumber oleh pihak yang tidak berhak. Misalkan seorang hacker yang berhasil membobol sebuah sistem perbankan. Setelah itu dia memindahkan sejumlah rekening orang lain ke rekeningnya sendiri.

5. Kehilangan kepercayaan dari para konsumen. Ini karena berbagai macam faktor seperti usaha yang dilakukan dengan sengaja oleh pihak lain yang berusaha menjatuhkan reputasi perusahaan tersebut.

6. Kerugian yang tidak terduga. Disebabkan oleh gangguan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja , ketidakjujuran , praktek bisnis yang tidak benar , kesalahan faktor manusia , kesalahan faktor manusia atau kesalahan sistem elektronik.

keuntungan e-business

1. Revenue Stream (aliran pendapatan) baru yang mungkin lebih menjanjikan yang tidak bisa ditemui di sistem transaksi tradisional.

2. Dapat meningkatkan market exposure (pangsa pasar).

3. Menurunkan biaya operasional (operating cost).

4. Melebarkan jangkauan (global reach).

5. Meningkatkan customer loyality.

6. Meningkatkan supplier management.

7. Memperpendek waktu produksi.

8. Meningkatkan value chain (mata rantai pendapatan).